Executive committee
The executive board of CONFIDA includes the representatives of the product and/or business groups associated to CONFIDA which represent the whole distribution chain of the food&beverage vending machines.
Executive committee
Massimo Trapletti
Vending Operators Group
Pio Lunel (President)
Fioravante Allegrino
Paolo Bernasconi
Lorenzo Carbonari
Mario Mattiazzo
Bruno Mazzoleni
Danilo Paolini
Renato Pavero
Fabio Quadrio
Cesare Spinelli
Mario Toniutti (Vicepresident CONFIDA)
Pantaleone Tripaldi
Alessandra Zamperini
Vending Machines and Components Manufacturers Group
Roberto Pellegrini (President)
Luca Alemanni
Marco Carazzato 
Mario Majo
Product Suppliers Group
Stefano Piccinini (President)
Lorenzo Bassi
Davide Celin
Claudio Picci
Vending Dealers and Service Providers Group
Ernesto Piloni (President)
Alessandro Fontana
Young Entrepreneurs Group
Roberto Pace (President)